Wednesday, October 6, 2010

End of Summer BBQ


My mom and brother...(my mom would kill me if she knew I posted this)..haha

Sam and her cousin Kyleigh


Since it was in the 100's at the end of September, my cousin had an end of the summer BBQ. She just bought a house down the street from me so it has been really nice having her pool close by.

Back To Work

I know I have not blogged in months. I've had major changes in my life and I finally found time to share them. As some of you may know I was doing daycare in my home for about 4 years. Last November (2009) I started having some painful symptoms that were sometimes unbearable. After a few MRI's and CT scans I got a diagnoses of Trigeminal Neuralgia. At the time this was happening I was taking care of 6 children including 1 specific little boy who screamed allllllll dayyyyyy. I got him when he was 6 months old and he was never weaned off the breast and never given a bottle. I could not get this child to drink a bottle to save my life. Long story short I ended up giving almost all my daycare parents a notice because the Neurologist suggested this all came from stress and I should change my profession. After starting medication (Tegretol for seizures) I have been in remission and have relapsed twice. I decided to go back in the medical field since I have 18 years experience.

I started working for a doctor 4 weeks ago and it has been really hard to get back in the work force. I was hired out of 90 applicants and was offered a management/assistant position. I love getting out of the house and conversing with adults again. On the other hand I had to put my little one in an after school daycare and I work late some nights. I would post a pic but I do NOT look good in scrubs!...haha!